You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, October 25, 2010

News Updates for the Week of October 25

1. NEWSWEEK's 2010 Green Rankings is a data-driven assessment of the largest companies in the U.S. and in the world. Our goal was to cut through the green chatter and quantify the actual environmental footprints, policies, and reputations of these big businesses. To do this, we teamed up with three leading environmental research organizations to create the most comprehensive rankings available. The Top 10 greenest USA companies are:

1) Dell
2) Hewlett-Packard
3) IBM
4) Johnson & Johnson
5) Intel
6) Sprint Nextel
7) Adobe Systems
8) Applied Materials
9) Yahoo
10) Nike

2. PNNL Report Urges Better Energy Use for Restaurants - Coffee shops and fast-food eateries could reduce their energy use as much as 52 percent with changes that include ultra-efficient appliances, lights and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, according to a new report by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland. To calculate savings, PNNL researchers modeled a typical 2,500-square-foot quick-service restaurant and plugged it into an energy simulation computer program. PNNL compiled the report for DOE's Building Technologies Program with industrial collaborators the Halton Co. and the Pacific Gas and Electric Food Service Technology Center.

3. NALMCO Announces Lighting Industry's First Sustainability Certification - The National Association of Lighting Management Companies is unveiling the Certified Sustainable Lighting. The certification -- named CSLC for Certified Sustainable Lighting Consultant -- will be a seal of approval ensuring that a lighting professional has expertise in creating and maintaining lighting systems that use long-lived, energy-efficient products that minimize impacts on the environment and society. For more information, visit

4. GE to Market CFL-Halogen Hybrid in 2011 - Starting in 2011, GE Lighting will market an incandescent-shaped light bulb that combines the instant brightness of halogen technology with the energy efficiency and longer rated life of CFL technology. The halogen capsule inside GE’s new hybrid halogen-CFL bulb comes on instantly, allowing the bulb to operate noticeably brighter in less than a half a second. The capsule shuts off once the CFL comes to full brightness. First to launch will be 15W and 20W hybrid halogen-CFL bulbs that are considered viable replacements for 60W and 75W incandescent bulbs, respectively.

5. ESCO Energy Services Program - GE Lighting’s ESCO Energy Services Program provides a comprehensive strategy for identifying energy-saving opportunities within customer facilities. Find an ESCO Service Provider in your area thru this website:

6. NEMA Goes Global on LEDs - NEMA, Rosslyn, Va., has joined other key lighting organization in the Global Lighting Forum (GLF), an initiative to coordinate and promote LED (light emitting diode) technology on a global level. The GLF will develop international standards, produce educational materials, and work with key LED stakeholders in business and government.

7. Solais Brings Two Industry Leaders Aboard to Drive Sales Efforts - Solais Lighting, Inc., a leading manufacturer of lightweight, specification grade LED lamps with Luxiance® technology announced today that Glenn Bordfeld and Rich Stam have joined the company as vice president of sales and national director of sales, respectively.

8. German 'Heatball' Outwits EU Light Bulb Ban - A German entrepreneur is bypassing a European Union ban on light bulbs of more than 60 watts by marketing his own brand as mini heaters. Siegfried Rotthaeuser and his brother-in-law have come up with a legal way of importing and distributing 75 and 100 watt light bulbs — by producing them in China, importing them as "small heating devices" and selling them as "heatballs." Costing 1.69 euros each ($2.38), the heatballs are going down well — the first batch of 4,000 sold out in three days.

Monday, October 18, 2010

News Updates for the Week of October 18

1. Rebate Programs Continue to Grow - 2010 has been an incredibly good year for businesses looking to take advantage of valuable rebates for installing efficient lighting systems. At the end of 2009, 60% of the US was covered by a lighting rebate or incentive. Now, rebates for energy efficient lighting in non-residential applications cover over 77% of the US; a 30% increase!

2. ACEEE 2010 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard - California retained its #1 ranking for the fourth year in a row, outpacing all other states in its level of investment in energy efficiency across all sectors of its economy. The balance of the top 10 states: Massachusetts (#2, holding steady) ; Oregon (#3, up from #4); New York (#4, up from #5); Vermont (#5, up from #6); Washington (#6, up from #7); Rhode Island (#7, up from #9); Connecticut (tied for #8, down from #3); Minnesota (tied for #8, holding steady); and Maine (#10, holding steady). The four most-improved states - Utah (tied for #12, up 11 spots from 2009), Arizona (#18, up 11 spots), New Mexico (#22, up eight spots), and Alaska (#37, up eight spots). In general, the Southwest region demonstrated considerable progress from 2009 to 2010. The full report is available online at

3. CFL Mercury Content to Decline - Member companies of NEMA have agreed to cap mercury at 4 mg per bulb for those bulbs using 25 watts or less, and 5 mg per bulb for those of higher wattages. This is a 1-mg drop from the previous limit. 10/12 Philadelphia Inquirer

4. Release of ENERGY STAR Luminaires Draft 2 Version 1.0 - See the memo from the U.S. EPA announcing the release of Draft 2 Version 1.0 of the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Luminaires. This specification, is intended long term to replace the existing Residential Light Fixtures (V4.2) and Solid State Lighting Luminaires (V1.1) specifications. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this draft to EPA no later than Friday, October 29, 2010. Comments should be submitted to, with “ENERGY STAR Luminaires Draft 2 Comments” in the subject line.

5. 2010 DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop Report Posted -
The DOE has published the summary report from the fifth annual DOE Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Market Introduction Workshop, held July 21–22 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A PDF copy of the report may be downloaded from the DOE SSL Web site at

6. WECC Distributed Lighting Control System Saves 75% or More in Energy Costs - The DLCS provides for dimming, dynamic scheduling, daylight harvesting, lumen maintenance, bulb/ballast fault detection, and on-site or remote aggregate control, and meets Title 24 instant-demand response requirements. DLCS technology can provide virtual lamp control for T5, T8, CFL, LED, HID and inductive lamps with on-site or remote access--wired or wireless.

7. Construction Industry Unemployment at Highest September Rate Ever Recorded - The number of people working in construction is approaching a 14-year low now that the industry lost 21,000 jobs in September, while construction unemployment is at a September high of 17.2% percent, according to an analysis of federal employment figures released today by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). The construction industry continues to suffer from declining investments in construction and broad uncertainty about the future of many federal infrastructure programs and tax rates, association officials note. 10/15 EC&M

8. California Governor Announces Launch of Green Jobs Website -
The Clean Energy Jobs website can be found at It aims to provide resources to Californians that are geared towards promoting jobs related to recycling, clean transportation, renewable energy and other green opportunities. Currently, the site consists of 48 programs which offer training to Californians in these lucrative fields. The programs and training are offered through organizations like community colleges, local workforce investment boards and private industry groups.

9. Acuity Brands Unveils New Intelligent Lighting and Controls Training Center At Its Sensor Switch Facility - Located in Wallingford, CT, this facility is designed to provide hands-on training for Sensor Switch customers and business partners and to showcase the newest Acuity Brands intelligent LED lighting and lighting controls solutions.

Monday, October 11, 2010

News Updates for the Week of October 11

1. October is Energy Awareness Month - October has been Energy Awareness Month since a presidential proclamation in 1991. For more than 15 years, government organizations — in partnership with businesses, associations, and concerned citizens — have observed this month with activities and programs to promote public understanding of our energy needs and to reduce energy consumption in our everyday lives.

2. Lower Margins - The firms on EC&M’s 2010 Top 50 electrical contractors list reveal 2009 as a year of fierce competition for fewer projects with lower profits. In 2009, the effects of the recession, which officially began in 2008, took their toll on the total revenue for electrical and datacom services reported by the firms on this year’s Top 50 electrical contractors list.

3. GE Lighting Commits to $60 Million Investment in Bucyrus Plant - In a ceremony this morning, GE Lighting committed to investing $60 million in the company’s manufacturing plant in Bucyrus, Ohio. GE Lighting, headquartered in Cleveland, named the production plant in Bucyrus GE Lighting’s global center of excellence for the manufacture of energy-efficient linear fluorescent lamps. Employment is expected to nearly double with more than 130 jobs added over the next few years as the Bucyrus plant ramps up production. The first fluorescent lamps made from the newly installed equipment will begin to roll off production lines in December. 10/01 Electrical Marketing

4. DEP: Advantage Grant Program Opens to Small Businesses Looking to Increase Profitability by Reducing Energy Costs and Pollution - Small- business owners in Pennsylvania seeking to improve energy efficiency to save money and prevent pollution can apply for a Small Business Advantage Grant through the Department of Environmental Protection. Businesses can apply for 50-percent matching grants of up to $7,500 to adopt or acquire energy efficient or pollution-prevention equipment or processes. 10/4 PRNewswire-USNewswire

5. San Diego State University Selects Lithonia Lighting RTLED for First LED Lighting Project – The University took the first step toward LED lighting by installing 80 Lithonia Lighting RTLED in a new 215-person lecture hall general ambient lighting.. This is the first LED lighting project the university completed as a long-term solution to reduce energy, reduce costs, and achieve sustainability.

6. 10 Trends for 2011 and Beyond By David Gordon and Stan Rydzynski - The past few years' economic upheaval is changing how electrical distributors need to market and grow their businesses. While providing best-in-class service to existing customers will always be important, reaching new markets and new customers will be more important than ever. We have identified 10 ideas for distributors to consider for beyond 2010. Next month's article will explore ideas from electrical manufacturers.
1. Use the Snap-On tool approach
2. Sell strategically
3. Rethink your counter area
4. Recalibrate your inventory levels and stock management strategies
5. Beef up your data analysis
6. Rethink how you reach specific demographics
7. Think retail
8. Integrate your marketing and sales strategies so you can customize your sales pitches
9. Harness the power of social media and web-based marketing
10. Blend in new products with your existing basket of products

7. The City of Kenosha Lighting Project Goes to Amerlux - “Going Green” was the goal. Kenosha wanted to keep “the look” of their existing street lighting in the proposed area. Amerlux Exterior appealed to them early on because they proposed a “retro fit” engine allowing them to keep not only their existing glass acorns, but also the fitters and poles. As the ROI was being calculated it became clear that a “retro fit” solution was the path Kenosha wants to take. The order from The City of Kenosha via Johnson Controls in the amount of $459,000 was received on August 26, 2010.

8. CPUC Adopts Plan to Save 60-80 Percent Lighting Energy Use Statewide - The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today adopted a plan to transform the lighting market and achieve a 60-80 percent reduction in statewide electrical lighting energy consumption. This plan will be a new chapter of the California Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan. The CPUC said that lighting accounts for approximately one-fourth of California’s electricity use and promoting the widespread use of energy efficient lighting can lead to significant savings. For more information on the CPUC:

9. When Selling Energy Efficiency, Don't Say 'Retrofit,' Say 'Upgrade' --
Study In a study (pdf) of programs aimed at improving residential energy efficiency, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found much to learn from. For starters, the researchers said, don't offer "audits" or "retrofits" -- customers shy away from the negative connotations. Instead try offering "energy assessments" and "upgrades," but focus messaging on health benefits, improved comfort, community pride or other benefits that consumers tend to care more about. 10/05 New York Times

10. DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium - It's estimated that there are 35 million street lights in the U.S. They consume as much electricity each year as 3.9 million households, and generate greenhouse gas emissions equal to that produced by 8 million cars. Converting a significant portion of these street lights to LED technology could make a real difference, both in terms of energy savings and a cleaner environment. DOE's Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium is working to help cities make good decisions on SSL purchases, in order to maximize these benefits. To learn more about the Consortium, or to join, visit

Monday, October 4, 2010

Something to Think About...

Managers as Coaches Training Session - Sales management skills are’s managers must be more than a boss, they must be a coach.

Coaches inspire others to work harder, aim higher, compete successfully, and enjoy the process. As a sales coach, you are responsible for winning. How do you accomplish that when your players all have different talents and skill levels, strengths and weaknesses, separate personal lives that affect their ability to perform at work? Individuals make up the team and the team must be productive if you want to win.

The greatest coaches believe in themselves and have that formula for success:
• Select, evaluate and hire talent
• Position them for maximum effectiveness
• Create a team environment for positive results
• Train them to excel and continue the learning process
• Get out of their way...empower them to do their job.

One thing is universal...everyone wants to play on a winning team. Then why is coaching so difficult? The simple answer is that people are different...we live in a diverse environment. Sales professionals are no different (sorry for the play on words). They learn differently, they respond differently, they work differently; they need to be treated differently. They need to be coached / managed differently.

Trainers, teachers, coaches, branch managers, sales managers need to understand the different ways we all learn and, more importantly, to be sure to incorporate those techniques into their coaching / managing activities.

This high impact one-day training session is for branch managers and sales managers. This special workshop session is geared, when all is said and done, on improving productivity and on how each branch can differentiate themselves from their competitors and how they can win in a highly competitive marketplace.For more information, contact Bill Attardi at

News Updates for the Week of October 4

1. US DOE: Offices Can Cut Bills In Half - The DOE and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have released a report explaining how to save 50 per cent of net energy consumption through technically feasible improvements to large office buildings. Entitled Strategies for 50 Per Cent Energy Savings in Large Office Buildings, it found that the savings were possible regardless where the buildings were located. It recommended that light redirection devices could be used to help daylight penetrate further into buildings, reducing the need for electric lighting. 9/29 Business Green

2. Free DOE Software Product for Lighting Plans - The Commercial Lighting Solutions provide actionable "how to" guidance on ways to improve your building interior lighting efficiency and reduce your energy consumption, without compromising quality design criteria. Strategies include the use of high performance commercially available products, daylighting, and lighting controls, all within the context of integrated designs supported by performance specifications. It is a webbased lighting tool that DOE created last year to help facilities managers and others do accurate, quick calculations for energy-efficient lighting applications. The interactive program is a back-of-the-envelope boost that can save building owners 30 percent more energy than the baseline standard ASHRAE 90.1 without compromising the quality of illumination.

3. Bitter Climate Puts Energy Ideas On Ice - The window for passing any sweeping energy proposals now has closed -- and those big ideas aren't likely to go anywhere during Obama's first term in the White House. Sensing the looming blockade, lawmakers and lobbyists have been setting the stage for a flurry of action on energy issues when Congress returns after the November elections for a lame-duck session. 9/27 Houston Chronicle

4. UTRC to Receive $10 Million from US DOE for Energy Innovation Hub - United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) the central research organization of United Technologies has announced that it expects to receive an estimated $10 million over five years from the US Department of Energy for its role in a new Energy Innovation Hub for R&D of technologies to improve energy efficiency in existing and new buildings. 9/28 Datamonitor

5. LED City® Members Join Forces with SSL Municipal Street Lighting Consortium - DOE and Cree announced 9/29 that U.S. participants in Cree's LED City program will join forces with DOE's Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium. Cree established the LED City Program in 2007 to accelerate implementation of LED lighting in municipalities by promoting the benefits that can be achieved through LED lighting, and by encouraging users to share experiences and data. DOE's SSL Street Lighting Consortium currently has nearly 400 members in 48 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and four other countries, who seek to share technical information and experiences related to LED street and area lighting demonstrations. To learn more, visit

6. Consumer Confidence Index Falls Below 50 - The closely watched Consumer Confidence Index fell to 48.5 in September, down from a downwardly revised 53.2 reading in August, according to the New York City-based Conference Board."Overall, consumers’ confidence in the state of the economy remains quite grim. And, with so few expecting conditions to improve in the near term, the pace of economic growth is not likely to pick up in the coming months.” 9/28 HCN

7. Acuity Brands Offers LED Lighting White Papers - The white papers address four fundamental LED topics: LED Binning, Photometric Measurement, Lumen Depreciation and Color Quality.
 “LED and Binning” addresses the issues associated with binning LEDs, color temperature, chromaticity and ANSI binning standards.
 “LED and 100% Efficiency” provides information about relative and absolute photometry, photometry standards IESNA LM-79-08, DOE CALiPER program and luminaire efficiency.
 “LED and Lumen Depreciation” addresses service life for LED systems, including life and lumen depreciation and IES Standard LM80.
 “LED and Controls” features details on LED color temperature, color rendering index and color quality scale.
All four white papers can be downloaded at:

8. Bulb Exchange Program Partners With Ace, Do It Best - Apache Junction, city near Mesa, Ariz., has partnered with two independent hardware stores in a light bulb exchange program that aims to exchange 16,065 incandescent and halogen bulbs. Free of charge, customers receive a voucher for a replacement low-energy CFL or LED bulb from one of the hardware stores. Homeowners and renters can receive up to 10 bulbs, and business owners are limited to 20 bulb exchanges. Funding has been received through the Arizona Department of Commerce under the state’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. 9/29 HCN

9. Gov't Weighs Gas Mileage Rules for 2017 and Beyond - The administration is expected to give its view soon in the form of early planning for mileage standards for model years 2017-2025. Environmentalists are pushing for an average of at least 60 miles per gallon for new vehicles by 2025, exceeding the mileage of the most fuel-efficient hybrids on the road today. But automakers argue that pushing gas mileage standards up that quickly could force them to raise prices higher than drivers can afford. There will be months of review and public comment before specific new standards are set. 9/30 AP
Monthly Special Feature…

On the Lighter Side - Here's how to keep all that political 'news' in perspective...

1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.

2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.

3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.

4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don't really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.

5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country, if they could find the time -- and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.

6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a poor job of it, thank you very much.

7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.

8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who are running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.

9. The Chicago Tribune is read by people who know the Cubbies will win a World Series in their lifetime and look forward to living another 100 years.

10. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country, but need the baseball scores.

11. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped, minority, feminist, atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans.

12. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store.

13. The Seattle Times is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in.

14. EnergyWatch is read by the movers & shakers of the world that make the right things happen rather than just do the right things and know the difference.