You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monthly Special Feature…

CFL Lamp Index Gives Back Prior Gains for Second Quarter 2010 -

NEMA’s compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) index posted a reading of 210.1 during the second quarter of 2010, negating the 3.1 percent year-over-year gain during the previous quarter. CFL shipments decreased 4.2 percent on a quarterly basis following increases of 14.0 and 1.8 percent for the previous two quarters. Meanwhile, shipments of incandescent lamps decreased 2.8 percent on a year-over-year basis, as the index slipped to 57.0. This reading indicates shipments are less than 60 percent of 2006 levels.

Although sales of both lamp types remain at lower levels compared to last year, CFLs continue to gain market share at the expense of incandescent lamps. The share of CFL lamps increased to a new high water mark of 26.7 percent while A-line incandescent lamps fell for the second consecutive quarter, decreasing to 73.3 percent.

Significant Growth for Sodium Vapor Lamps During Second Quarter -

Shipments of sodium vapor high intensity discharge (HID) lamps increased 3.9 percent to 92.6 in 2010Q2, the highest level in two years. The index reading was 17.1 percent above the same period last year. Metal halide HID lamp shipments decreased 4.0 percent to 82.5 from the previous quarter, but were still 0.5 percent above the same period last year. The mercury vapor HID index declined 9.5 percent to 49.2, indicating shipments were less than half of the average 2006 level.

Market shares for sodium vapor and metal halide HID lamp types increased during the quarter. Sodium vapor lamps showed a 35.4 percent share of sales while metal halide lamps registered a 60.5 percent share, a slight difference versus the 34.5 and 60.4 percent figures, respectively, registered in calendar year 2009. The share of mercury vapor lamps slipped to 4.1 percent from 4.8 percent during the previous quarter.

NEMA's T5 Fluorescent Lamp Shipments Show Double Digit Increase -

NEMA’s T5 lamp shipments index registered a reading of 152.0 during the second quarter of 2010, a 41.1 percent increase from a year ago. The index reclaimed lost ground from the previous quarter, rebounding by 19.8 percent. T8 lamp shipments also showed robust growth, increasing 12.7 on a year-over-year basis. Conversely, shipments of T12 lamps declined 2.6 and 7.9 percent for the quarterly and year-over-year comparisons, respectively.

The share of T12 lamps in the linear fluorescent market also declined. T12 lamps accounted for 26.3 percent of sales, 5.1 percentage points below the 2009 average of 31.4 percent. T8 lamps increased to a 65.0 percent, a half point below its all-time high. The portion of the market held by T12 lamps grew to a new high of 8.7 percent. These market share trends are likely to continue due to the July 1, 2010 completion of the phase-out of T12 magnetic ballasts.

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