You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, November 22, 2010

News Updates for the Week of November 22

1. New Report on Street Lighting Technologies Available from The Lighting Research Center - The National Lighting Product Information Program (NLPIP), based at the Lighting Research Center in Troy, NY, recently released its latest Specifier Report, designed to provide objective performance information on existing street lighting technologies including LED, induction, and high pressure sodium streetlights. According to NLPIP, when replacing the pole-mounted HPS streetlights on a one-mile section of collector road with the LED or induction streetlights used in the study, it would take twice as many of the pole-mounted LED or induction streetlights to meet the lighting criteria as defined in RP-8-00. Complete performance results are published in Specifier Reports: Streetlights for Collector Roads, which is available online here.

2. DOE Launches New Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee - The U.S. Department of Energy today announced the establishment of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (ERAC). ERAC is a federal advisory committee whose members will report directly to the Secretary of Energy with advice on the portfolio of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The 19 members selected have experience in a variety of sectors and will bring a range of technical expertise and perspectives to the committee.

3. NEMA Publishes Brochure to Explain Transition to Energy-Efficient Lighting - To download: For more information on lighting legislation and saving energy through lighting upgrades, visit

4. NEMA Announces 2011 Board of Governors Officers - For a complete listing of the NEMA Board of Governors, visit

5. GE Publishes Position Paper on Lighting Efficiency Laws and Industry Transformation - California becomes a test lab next year for how consumers nationwide may react to new federal lighting efficiency laws taking effect throughout the country on January 1, 2012. Under Title 20, the Golden State's energy commission has the authority to regulate lighting products used by consumers and businesses. As a result of the commission's actions, consumers in California will start to experience the phase out of the 100-watt incandescent light bulb this coming January, a year before the rest of the country. Californians will also deal with the phasing out of 75-watt, 60-watt and 40-watt incandescent bulbs on an accelerated schedule. GE Lighting's position paper, A Transforming Global Lighting Industry, provides perspective on lighting legislation and the energy-efficient lighting technologies that are available to consumers and businesses now and in the years ahead. It's available for free at 11/17 BUSINESS WIRE

6. Lighting Upgrades by Loren Snyder -
Part 1: Increase Energy Efficiency with Lighting Retrofits
Part 2: Aim for Goals for Lighting Retrofits, Including Higher Productivity
Part 3: Lighting Product Showcase

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