1. ENERGY STAR Lighting Round Table: Review and Discussion of Lamps V1.0 Specification Draft 1 - The U.S. EPA invites you to participate in a meeting/webinar about Draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Lamps V1.0 specification on Wednesday November 30, 2011 from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Eastern. The meeting will be held at EPA, 1310 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. The purpose of the meeting/webinar is to provide an overview of Draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Lamps V1.0 specification, including further information referenced in the development of the proposed requirements, and to gather partner and stakeholder input to be considered in the development of subsequent drafts. The Lamps V1.0 specification will replace the existing Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Integral LED Lamps specifications, as well as the qualification requirements for GU24-based fluorescent lamps previously detailed in the Residential Light Fixture specification. Questions about the meeting may be forwarded to lamps@energystar.gov
2. LED Lighting: Fact And Fiction – Webinar to be Held November 30, 2011 - LED Lighting: Fact And Fiction,” webinar produced by the Energy Center of Wisconsin, will be held Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 1–2:30 PM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Learn about LED lighting, from how it works to where it works best, including where to find unbiased info and how to compare products. http://www.ecw.org/university/eventdetails.php?ecuid=445
3. A Phone App for Switching Out Your Light Bulbs - According to Eco Hatchery, a software company based in Wisconsin, the Light Bulb Finder application for iPhones and Android handsets won the “best overall” prize in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Apps for the Environment Challenge. The Light Bulb Finder uses E.P.A. data on energy-saving light bulbs to help consumers make the switch to more efficient incandescent bulbs. Enter your ZIP code, and the app will calculate your savings based on local electric rates. You choose the bulb style and the quality of light you prefer, add the items to your shopping cart, and then order bulbs directly from your smartphone. The app is free for downloading, http://www.lightbulbfinder.net/
4. Department of Energy Recognizes ASHRAE 90.1-2010 as New National Energy Standard - In a bold move, on October 19, 2011.. By October 18, 2013, all states in the United States must put in place a commercial building energy code at least as stringent as the ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2010 energy standard, according to an October 19, 2011 Department of Energy (DOE) ruling. This means the 2007 standard is effectively being leapfrogged as the national energy standard. http://www.energycodes.gov/states/maps/commercialStatus.stm
- Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing Research and Development - Round 3 The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is achieve cost reduction of solid-state lighting for general illumination through improvements in manufacturing equipment, processes, or techniques.
- Solid-State Lighting Core Technologies - Round 8 The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to focus on applied research for technology development, with particular emphasis on meeting efficiency, performance, and cost targets. Specific emphasis shall be on achieving the performance and cost goals stated in the 2011 Multi-Year Program Plan http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/ssl/ssl_mypp2011_web.pdf for Solid-State Lighting Research and Development.
6. Establishing LED Equivalency - DOE recently published a Fact Sheet, "Establishing LED Equivalency." It summarizes a number of key performance characteristics to consider when comparing LED products and evaluating their equivalency to conventional lighting technologies. It summarizes key performance characteristics that should be considered when comparing LED products and evaluating their equivalency to conventional lighting technologies. No two products are identical in every respect, and tradeoffs are often necessary due to inherent differences in technologies. In fact, it may be possible to improve performance in one category, such as color rendition, while achieving equivalency in others. For any given application, a number of additional characteristics should be considered during product selection. Notable examples include sensitivity to heat in enclosed spaces, dimming capability and behavior, flicker, and power factor. http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/ssl/establishing-led-equivalency.pdf
7. EPA Launches CFL Website - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has published a webpage devoted to compact fluorescent lamps, including benefits, disposal and cleanup procedures, legislation impacting availability of incandescent lamps, and details about the new Federal Trade Commission Lighting Facts label that is taking effect June-December 2011. http://www.epa.gov/cfl/
8. Bank of America Announces Recipients of $55 Million Energy Efficiency Finance Program - Bank of America today announced the selection of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) that will receive $55 million in low-interest loans and grants through the company's innovative Energy Efficiency Finance Program. B of A, the nation's largest investor in CDFIs and a leading source of energy efficiency sector financing, created the program earlier this year to deliver low-cost capital to local community lenders with expertise in energy retrofit financing as a way to help create jobs, improve affordability, and reduce carbon emissions. www.bankofamerica.com/reports
9. 15 Percent by 2020? - A new survey of energy industry experts reveals a surprising consensus on the size of the energy efficiency resource. Overall, energy efficiency is expected to lower electricity consumption by 5 to 15 percent and natural gas consumption by 5 to 10 percent. These results debunk the notion that conservation is a fad. On the contrary, they herald a new beginning for energy efficiency. Optimists say energy efficiency is an inexhaustible well. Pessimists argue that the low-hanging fruit has been harvested. Realists believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. http://www.brattle.com/_documents/UploadLibrary/Upload990.pdf
10. Transitioning to LED Lighting Technology: MaxLite Helps Facilities Reduce Lighting Energy - While in the past LEDs were mainly used for exit signs, traffic lights, and spotlights, today many LED lamps are omnidirectional and are the ideal energy-efficient and environmentally friendly lighting solution for decorative, ambient and general lighting applications. MaxLite white paper about LED on Todays Facility Manager website.
11. LEDucation 6 Announced for March 21, 2012 in New York City - The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY) has announced the date for its sixth annual program on led technology. Over 2,000 members of the lighting design, architectural and engineering community are expected to attend LEDucation for its sixth annual educational event and expo on LED technology. Due to the growing popularity of the annual expo and seminars, event officials have extended the exhibit hours for 2012 with expo doors opening at 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. http://www.leducation.org/
12. SYLVANIA Socket Survey - The SYLVANIA Socket Survey is the only nationwide measure of public attitudes about efficient lighting and awareness regarding the U.S. phase-out of inefficient incandescent light bulbs. The majority of Americans are now aware of the federal phase out of incandescent light bulbs, according to the fourth annual SYLVANIA Socket Survey. Beginning January 1, 2012 with the manufacture of 100-watt bulbs, 55 percent of Americans reported that they are aware of the phase out--up 19 percent from 2010. While a large majority still uses incandescent bulbs, 53 percent plan to switch to LED, CFL or halogen varieties when the phase out begins in 2012. Download the complete survey free at http://www.sylvania.com/Energy/SocketSurvey/
13. Samsung, LG Introduce Low-Price LED Light Bulbs to Gain Market Share - Prices of LED light bulbs introduced by Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics have been lower than Philips and Osram. Samsung is said to introduce LED light bulbs with retail price of US$10-12 for the replacements of traditional 60W light bulbs in third-quarter 2012. The aggressive price-down initiative taken by South Korea-based brands has been apparent. International lighting firms anticipate revenues from lighting to show significant growth in 2012 with the LED lighting penetration rate likely to increase to 20% in 2013 from 3.3% in 2008. http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20111117PD202.html

15. October Housing Starts Slip to a 628,000 Rate - There were several mixed signals jumping out of the data. First of all, last month's housing starts weren't as strong as originally reported. The September rate was revised downward from 658,000 to 630,000. The October figure was down 0.3% from the downwardly revised rate. Here's the good news. This month's starts are up double digits--16.5%--from the same month last year. Also strong is this month's building permits figure of 653,000, up 10.9% from the September rate and up 17.7% above the Oct. 2010 estimate. 11/17 HCN
16. Pournaras Succeeds Mix as President of WattStopper - Lighting control manufacturer WattStopper, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based part of the Legrand group, announced today the resignation of its president, Jerry Mix, and the immediate appointment of Dean Pournaras to that position. Mix, who co-founded WattStopper 28 years ago, will be joining Finelite as chief executive officer on January 1, 2012. Terry Clark, founder of Finelite, will assume the role of Executive Chairman, as well as, Chief Technology Officer. http://livewire.electricalmarketing.com/
17. Meet the Associate: Philips Lighting - The Alliance to Save Energy's President Kateri Callahan interviews Philips Lighting North America's CEO Ed Crawford. They discuss how light-emitting diodes shine in one of the most popular holiday displays in the world. http://ase.org/resources/meet-associate-philips-lighting
18. Energy Management Learning Portal - A new energy management learning portal is now available on the RETScreen website. This online resource provides free access to the RETScreen energy management software tool, user manual, presentation slides and case studies. Released just this past month, the RETScreen energy performance analysis module already has more than 9,000 users worldwide. This free energy management software tool is available in 36 languages covering greater than 2/3rds of the world's population. http://www.retscreen.net/ang/performance_analysis_with_retscreen.php
19. Walmart Sees the Light for Parking Lots - Walmart in Leavenworth, Kansas, was the first to include LED parking lot lighting based on a specification developed through the Energy Department's Building Technologies Program, the Retail Energy Alliance and the retailer. Since January, Walmart has planned to install similar lighting system at more than 225 new sites. http://energy.gov/articles/walmart-sees-light-parking-lots
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