You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

News Updates for the Week of September 3

1.      DOE Publishes Updated SSL Manufacturing R&D Roadmap and 2012 Workshop Report - The U.S. DOE has published the 2012 edition of the Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing R&D Roadmap, and has posted the summary report from the fourth annual SSL Manufacturing R&D Workshop, held in San Jose, CA, June 13–14. Complementing the SSL R&D Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP) that guides the Core and Product Development R&D programs, the Roadmap's primary goal is to guide the manufacturing R&D program and help direct funding solicitations for it. The Roadmap also provides guidance for equipment and material suppliers, based on industry consensus on the expected evolution of SSL manufacturing—thereby reducing risk, improving quality, increasing yields, and lowering costs.

2.      The Top 10  America's Coolest Schools - Sierra's sixth annual list of the nation's greenest universities

1: University of California, Davis
2: Georgia Institute of Technology
3: Stanford University
4: University of Washington
5: University of Connecticut
6: University of New Hampshire
7: Duke University
8: Yale University
9: University of California, Irvine
10: Appalachian State University

3.      LIGHTFAIR Call for Speakers Deadline Next Friday 9/7/12 - LIGHTFAIR® International (LFI®) invites experts from the lighting industry and other industries such as architecture, design, energy, engineering, government, utilities, medical, real estate, facility management, hospitality and more to pursue presentation opportunities at LFI 2013.

      4.      Cree Lighting Announces High-Output Edge LED Luminaire - The Edge High Output (HO) LED-based luminaires come in four flavors ranging from 279-851W and are designed for applications requiring more light output such as high-security areas and automobile dealerships where rendering car color is a vital sales tool. Cree Lighting targets replacement of 1000W metal-halide (MH) lights and delivery of 50% or more energy savings using solid-state lighting (SSL) technology.

5.      Innovation Through Collaboration - We’re witnessing the transformation of lighting. In the next 10 years virtually all lighting will be replaced with newer, more efficient lighting technologies like LED, induction or plasma. The big question is will they include controls? All this new lighting is 100% controllable and controls should be a part of the solutions. The Adaptive Campus Control System, developed by Lumewave, Inc. and California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC), allows facility managers to monitor and control a variety of exterior lighting fixtures (bollards, wall packs, parking lot fixtures, streetlights, etc.) through one wireless control system. The smart lighting network supports the advanced operation of over 1,400 dimmable, addressable, programmable LED luminaires with integrated occupancy sensors.
6.      New Report Highlights Benefits of LED Technology for Airfield Lighting - LED technology holds significant promise for airfield lighting in the U.S, mainly in terms of the potential for longer operating lives and increased efficacy of LEDs compared to incandescent lamps, the most common light source on airport runways and taxiways today, according to a new report: Issues with Use of LED Airfield Lighting: ACRP Synthesis 35.

7.      DOE Investment Shines the Light on Efficiencies in SSL Manufacturing Technologies - DOE funding is a targeted investment going to three innovative projects that aim to lower the cost of SSL manufacturing. The projects were chosen because they focus on significantly reducing manufacturing costs and improving the quality and performance of SSL technologies. Furthermore, the $7 million investment from the DOE will leverage an additional $5 million investment from the private sector. The projects that were chosen include the development of an optimized, cost-competitive LED fixture design that can be readily integrated into buildings and applications and uses fewer raw materials by Cree Inc. of Durham, N.C. The second project, by KLA-Tencor of Milpitas, Calif., aims to develop a measurement tool that will help reduce variation in LED production quality. Lastly, funding is going to a project by k-Space Associates of Dexter, Mich., that plans to create a more efficient manufacturing process by building on existing optical monitoring technology to enable high-precision measurements of OLED layers during mass production.

8.      Smart Building Managed Services by Pike Research - New technologies and innovations are changing the building landscape and making smart buildings more efficient. In particular, the adoption of sophisticated energy management systems in commercial buildings has been proven to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This Pike Research report examines the global smart building managed services market trends, along with opportunities and challenges, business strategies, and key industry players. The report examines the technology issues in the smart building managed services market and includes profiles of 18 vendors. Market forecasts include total market growth from 2012 through 2020, market share and growth rate comparisons, and projections for five world regions.

9.      Pitt Downtown, North Shore Buildings to Halve Energy - Owners of 61 properties Downtown and on the North Shore agreed to cut energy, water and transportation consumption by 50 percent by the year 2030 as part of a national campaign to conserve resources. The effort--called the Pittsburgh 2030 District--sponsored locally by the Green Building Alliance, represent 38 percent of the Downtown business district and more than 23 million square feet of office space. As part of the effort, owners of the buildings will look for ways during the next 18 years to cut consumption, whether it's by installing new lights or windows, or replacing older or inefficient heating and cooling systems. Pittsburgh is one of three cities that have signed up for the challenge. The others are Seattle and Cleveland. 8/22 The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

10.  Experts Weigh In: Will California Meet Its RPS? - About one year ago, California made history by enacting a law that would require the highest amount of renewable energy to be incorporated into a continental state's energy mix: 33 percent by 2020. That number is at least 8 percent higher than the next most aggressive state renewable portfolio standards and upwards of 10 percent more than the average renewable portfolio standard for all the states in the nation. In the state with the most aggressive RPS in the continental U.S., opinions are mixed about whether or not California will be able to meet the goal of 33 percent renewables by 2020. A report issued by the California Energy Commission shows that the total cost of transmission to meet the 33 percent by 2020 goal is $7.2 billion dollars.

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