Litek Retrofits Lighting in
Venice, Customizes LEDs for Legacy Look
- The historic city of
canals, piazzas, and bridges now saves over 80% in energy usage with SSL
retrofits installed in the existing fixtures that also match the warm color
temperature and light distribution of the legacy lighting. Venice, Italy is one of those
historical cities where change is not necessarily welcome, especially if it
changes the iconic look and the feel of the place. Litek’s retrofit project
four years of testing and has now retrofitted 7000 existing fixtures with LEDs. http://ledsmagazine.com/news/10/10/8

2. PSFK Labs Report: “The Future Of Light” - Think tank PSFK Labs has published an
independent report, The Future of Light, with support from Philips. Based upon
expert interviews and more than 50 ground-breaking case studies, the report
showcases how the new age of digital light will unlock significant health,
well-being, sustainability and economic benefits for all aspects of society in
the future. The report covers four key themes–'Luminous Relationships,' 'Illuminated Expression,' 'Enlightened Communication' and 'Light For Life'–which are broken down into 12 micro-trends. http://www.psfk.com/publishing/future-of-light
3. LED
Phosphor Intellectual Property (IP) LED Phosphors and Down-Converters Patent
Investigation Report 2013 - Phosphor IP is a major force in
the LED industry. With more than 40 litigation cases, it is also used as
leverage by companies which have negotiated close to 70 licensing and supply
agreements to date. It can also be argued that in the first half of the 2000
decade, the strict enforcement and lack of license grants for some fundamental
IP related to the design and manufacturing of white LEDs might also have slowed
down the progress of the industry by preventing more efficient competition that
would allow prices to decrease. The report identifies the key players with the
most relevant IP. It provides an overview, of phosphor related IP litigation
and licensing, that has shaped the industry since the mid 90s, as well as a
detailed analysis for the major players in
4. U.S. Expected to Become One of the Most
Energy-Efficient Countries - The U.S. is on track to become one of the most energy-efficient
countries in the developed world by the end of the decade, the International
Energy Agency said Wednesday. Based on current projections, by 2020 the
U.S. could have the world's most extensive system of mandatory energy-performance standards for appliances and equipment, the world's largest
energy-services industry and efficiency levels for cars and vans comparable to
those in the European Union and Japan, energy efficiency
policies and programs will triple the amount of energy the U.S. saves in 2020. 10/16 WSJ
Pepco Energy Selected by Appalachian State University
for Phase II Energy Efficiency Project
- Pepco Energy Services,
Inc. has signed a $16.3 million comprehensive energy savings performance
contract with Appalachian State University. Pepco
Energy Services will install $16.3 million of energy savings measures in 28
buildings that encompasses over 1.6 million square feet. All of the equipment
and system improvements will be paid from energy savings over the 13-year
contract term. Energy savings measures include building automation controls,
building lighting including new LED lighting equipment, high efficiency
chillers and air handlers, geothermal heating and solar thermal water systems,
hot water conservation equipment, high efficiency data center infrastructure,
Dark Sky compliant campus lighting and steam system improvements. 10/11 BUSINESS WIRE
7. IALD Announces New Cities for Global Lighting
Event 'Chase the Dark' on 14 Nov - New cities participating in IALD's 14 November's global
'Chase the Dark' event, during which architectural lighting designers
will take to the streets to compose a series of temporary lighting
installations, demonstrating
the power of light in urban communities. These displays will be installed
for just a matter of moments-the images of each light project will be
captured permanently on camera and shared on Twitter using the hashtag #IALDchasedark
all evening long. http://www.iald.org/