You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, April 23, 2012

News Updates for the Week of April 23

1.      DOE Report Compares Life-Cycle Energy Consumption of LED Lamps with Incumbent Lighting Technologies - The first report, dealing with lifecycle energy consumption for replacement lamps, was recently published: Review of the Life-Cycle Energy Consumption of Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent, and LED Lamps. The second report will address luminaires as well, and also incorporate environmental impacts. The study found that, based on DOE’s assumption that the average LED lamp provides service life equivalent to about 22 incandescent lamps, the average LED lamp consumes 75% less energy than the average incandescent lamp. Based on DOE’s assumption that the average LED lamp’s service life is equivalent to three compact fluorescent lamps, the average lifecycle energy consumption of LED lamps is about the same as that for compact fluorescent.

2.      Verification Testing Guidance for Luminaires - The ENERGY STAR specification for luminaires is now effective and certified luminaires are now subject to verification testing administered by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs). In addition to guidance already provided to CBs on verification testing, the U.S. EPA has finalized Directive #2012-01, ENERGY STAR Luminaires Verification Testing Guidance for Certification Bodies - Test Criteria, Sample Sizes and Determining Testing Failures, and Reporting to EPA. As noted in previous correspondence, this guidance limits the verification testing to core performance criteria and establishes the sample sizes needed to verify product performance. Submit any questions about this directive to with "Luminaires Verification Testing" in the subject line.

3.      States Seek to Ease Financing for Energy-Efficient Upgrades - Several states are experimenting with an "on-bill" financing program that aims to spur investment in energy efficiency for homes and businesses, including owners who lack capital. The "on-bill financing" program, which kicked off in January, allows homeowners to pay for efficiency upgrades using money saved by reduced energy use, which they can measure on each utility bill. The state-backed loans, which carry an interest rate of less than 3 percent, require no upfront costs, and the monthly payments are designed to be no larger than the projected savings on energy. At least nine states in recent years have passed legislation supporting or requiring adoption of such programs.

4.      Rebate Programs Continue to Grow Dramatically -  By providing valuable incentives and rebates to customers, energy efficiency programs have proven to be an effective way for utilities and federal/state/local governments to reduce electric demand. Funding for these programs has grown rapidly over the years and is now at an all-time high. A recent report from the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) shows that the budgets for energy efficiency electric programs were $6.8 billion in 2011. That's a 26% increase over the previous year's budgets. Of that money, $2.6 billion is earmarked specifically for commercial and industrial projects.

5.      Lighting Control Rebates Triple Since 2009 by Craig Dilouie - Utility and regional energy efficiency organization rebates and incentives have been a major driver in demand for energy-efficient lighting and controls since the early 1990s. Today, more than $6 billion in commercial lighting rebates and other incentives are offered by utilities and energy efficiency organizations covering some 80% of the United States.

Prescriptive Rebates
for T12 to T8 Upgrades
Type of Upgrade
Average Rebate
Across US
Lamp/ballast retrofit
$ 14.00
New fixture
$ 29.00
      6.    Last Call for T12 Rebates - Manufacturers will no longer produce most T12 bulbs after July 2012. According to NEMA, T12 sales were still 30% of the fluorescent market in late 2011. Very soon, T12 fixtures will need to be upgraded to more efficiency lighting solutions such as T8 technology.  Currently, T12 to T8 rebates are available across the country and at levels that are designed to bring the payback period to 1-2 years. More than 3,000 electric utilities offer different rebate programs and eligibility requirements.
7.      Webcom Communications, in Cooperation with The Zigbee Alliance, Announces The Summer 2012 Publication of The Zigbee Resource Guide - The guide is a magazine-style solutions guide, focusing solely on products, applications and solutions for end-users and integrators of ZigBee. The objective is to introduce potential customers to the benefits of ZigBee, and to guide them to leading suppliers of ZigBee products.

8.      LEDs to Fill 55% of World’s Sockets by 2020 - According to Josh Baribeau’s analysis, senior associate analyst at CANACCORD Genuity, by the end of 2020, LEDs will fill at least 54.8% of lighting sockets in the world. The most optimistic of his assessments is that LEDs will be generating illumination in more than 82% of those sockets. The base forecast takes LEDs from an almost insignificant share of WW sockets in 2012 to roughly 68% over roughly 3,000 days. 4/17 TED

9.      Rebates to Bring Cost of $60 LED Bulb Philips is discounting it right away to $50 for consumers, and working on deals with electric utilities to discount it even further, by as much as $20 to $30. This means the bulb will cost anywhere from $20 to $60 at Home Depot and other outlets starting Sunday, Earth Day when the bulb that won a $10 million government contest goes on sale. 4/16 AP

10.  $60 Bulbs: Can They Save Money? Ed Crawford, CEO of Philips Lighting on ABC News 4/17… watch the video at

11.  Top 10 Cities with the Most ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings, 2011 -

1st)      Los Angeles               659
2nd)         Washington, DC         404
3rd)           Atlanta                        359
4th)           Chicago                       294
5th)           San Francisco              270
6th)           New York                   261
7th)           Houston                      231
8th)           Dallas-Fort Worth       178
9th)           Riverside, Ca.             164
10th)       Boston                        161

12.  2011 SEPA Top 10 Utility Solar Rankings - The Solar Electric Power Association’s (SEPA) fifth annual Utility Solar Rankings analyzes the amount of new solar power interconnected by U.S. electric utilities in 2011. It covers more than 240 of the most solar-active utilities representing more than 99% of the U.S. solar electric power marketplace. This summary examines key market trends and national rankings.  Annual Solar Megawatts (MW-ac):
‘11 ‘10 
  1    1   Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (CA)                            287.7
  2    3   Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (NJ)                    181.3
  3    7   Arizona Public Service (APS) (AZ)                          144.4
  4    4   Southern California Edison (CA)                             138.5
  5   12   Atlantic City Electric (NJ)                                        61.2
  6    9   Jersey Central Power & Light (NJ)                           53.0
  7   15   Sacramento Municipal Utility District (CA)               52.8
  8    5   Xcel Energy - CO (CO)                                            51.3
  9   20   Long Island Power Authority (NY)                           46.9
 10  56   Xcel Energy - NM (NM)                                          45.6

13.  USGBC and The Princeton Review Release Free Guide to Green Colleges - The Princeton Review, in collaboration with the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), released the third annual edition of its free guidebook saluting the nation's most environmentally responsible "green colleges."  "The Princeton Review's Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2012 Edition" profiles 322 institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada that demonstrate notable commitments to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. The 232-page book can be downloaded at:

14.  NJ’s PSE&G Installs Energy-Efficient LED Fixtures for Municipal Streetscapes and Security - Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) has begun installing LED lights that increase reliability and security, are environmentally friendly, and decrease light pollution.  The first LED light fixture installations have been completed at Montclair State University, United Water in Haworth and in New Brunswick on George Street between Bayard Street and Liberty Street. The Rutgers University Newark campus is currently undergoing installations. The new lighting is available to municipalities and for commercial customers throughout the utility's service territory. 4/11 PRNewswire

15.  Construction Employment Increases Year-Over-Year in 171 Out of 337 Metro Areas - Construction employment increased in 171 out of 337 metropolitan areas between February 2011 and February 2012, decreased in 119, and stayed level in 47, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released recently by the Associated General Contractors of America. 4/16 EC&M

16.  ENERGY STAR Booth # 1025 at LIGHTFAIR - The ENERGY STAR program will be hosting an information booth at LIGHTFAIR® International in Las Vegas, May 9-11, 2012.  Stop by for information on the ENERGY STAR lighting portfolio including partnership opportunities, updates on program enhancements, and available ENERGY STAR marketing resources.

17.  West Coast Energy Management Congress Conference and Expo - May 23-24, 2012 / Seattle, WA at the Washington State Convention Center hosted by Puget Sound Energy. EMC is designed to give you the information you need on the latest developments and innovations available to help you meet your energy management and sustainability goals.

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