1. 32,256 Philips LEDs Light the Iconic 2013
Times Square - Philips
continues to bring innovative LED technology into the lives of millions by
lighting the world-famous Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball. New Year’s 2013
marks the 13th consecutive year Philips has served as the official Lighting
Partner to the iconic Times Square Ball. The LED lighting on the Times Square
Ball demonstrates the latest in innovative LED technology and ushers in a new
era of lighting that delivers energy savings, greater light quality, longer
bulb life, and dimmability to existing lighting fixtures. The same innovative technology used in the
Ball is commercially available to consumers to use in their home, and continues
to become the new standard in lighting. 12/27 BUSINESS WIRE
Draft 3 Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Specification for Lamps -
STAR Lamps Version 1.0 specification shall take effect in early 2014. To qualify
for ENERGY STAR, a product model shall meet the ENERGY STAR specification in
effect on its date of manufacture. Comments on Draft 3 are due via email to lamps@energystar.gov no later than Friday, January 18, 2013. https://www.energystar.gov/lamps
3. The 2012 ENERGY STAR Summary of
Lighting Programs - The Summary provides an overview of a variety of programs
offered by utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors in the United
States to promote ENERGY STAR certified light bulbs and fixtures, decorative
light strings, and ceiling and ventilating fans with light kits. The Summary includes information provided by
energy efficiency program sponsors and describes their current program
offerings for 2012-2013 and beyond. Each ENERGY STAR lighting program is
summarized with a focus on incentives, marketing and consumer education
efforts, program contacts, and other relevant program details. http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_search.basic
4. Optional
Guided Tour of L.A.'s Streetlights and Operations Center/Museum on January 29 - The city of Los Angeles has the largest LED
street lighting retrofit project in the U.S., if not the world, with more than
106,000 luminaires replaced to date. Led by Senior Street Lighting Engineer
Orlando E. Nova, the tour will visit selected outdoor installations and hear
about the city's aggressive efforts to integrate remote monitoring systems,
adaptive lighting, and controls. 2013
DOE Solid-State Lighting R&D
Workshop, January 29-31, 2013 •
Long Beach, CA. Register at:
5. tED Magazine's Greenest of the
Green Award - Apply
for tED's 2013 Greenest of the Green award. Nominations for the 2013 contest will be accepted from Dec. 3, 2012
through Jan. 18, 2013 through electronic submission portal: https://www.formopro.com/mr.asp?2.270235.8 The 2013 Greenest of the Green award will be presented
at the 2013 NAED National Meeting; the winning company will be featured in the
April 2013 issue of tED. http://www.tedmag.com/greenaward2013/

Cheap Rare Earth Metals Provide a Boost to the LED Industry
- A glut of manufacturing capacity and near-collapse in rare earth metal
prices is driving down the cost and hence encouraging the rapid take-up of light-emitting
diode (LED) lighting. LED lights are based on semiconductors and therefore do
not require traditional lamp manufacturing expertise. This has opened
opportunities for LED chipmakers to challenge the incumbent incandescent light
bulb manufacturers such as Philips, Osram and General Electric. http://oilprice.com
8. Lightfair
International 2013 Expands - LIGHTFAIR® International
(LFI®) will expand its product presentation and increase its scale
in 2013 with the addition of two high-profile categories occupying newly added
Hall F space in Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania Convention Center. The 2013 additions of solar power and
software accelerate LFI’s continuing growth as the world’s largest annual
architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference. The new
categories will advance its footprint. Solar
and software naturally complement the core LFI product mix with systems and
technologies integral to the lighting industry’s broader reach into energy and control
innovations. http://lighting.com/lightfair-international-2013-expands/
Lighting Industry Expects Healthy Growth in 2013 - The LED Industry is expected to
reach around US $ 500 million by 2015 in India. Within the segment, LED street
light and LED solar light's demand to increase by leaps and bounds in coming
years. The industry as a whole faced a tough time specifically in project
sales. At the same time, the consumer category still witnessed a reasonable
growth, with CFLs continuing to be the growth driver. The advent of reliable
LED products will play a significant role in the industry growth in coming
years, as major players in the industry are already offering very good value
propositions in the market, making this segment very vibrant and dynamic. The
lighting industry in India is growing at nearly 17-18% per annum over the last
two to three years. 12/29 The Times of India
OLEDs on the Road - The automotive industry is one of
the markets where new technologies can appear and interact directly with the
consumer. One technology that is struggling to find its feet in the consumer
world, but could benefit by inclusion in vehicles, is OLED lighting. While
there are questions about its efficiency, and high price, being included in an
already expensive item would bring it to the attention of the mass market. German manufacturer Audi is known for its innovations in
vehicle lighting, having been the first to include LEDs in tail lamps, and then
again in the sidelights of a vehicle. It has now begun to pioneer the use of
OLED lighting in vehicles-not just as a lens, but to also create cars that
can respond to the driver's mood. http://www.plusplasticelectronics.com/lighting/oleds-on-the-road-71130.aspx
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