You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, January 21, 2013

News Updates for the Week of January 21

1. Gov. Cuomo Launches Program to Increase Energy Efficiency by 2020 - Gov. Andrew Cuomo has issued The Build Smart NY executive order directing state agencies to increase energy efficiency by 20 percent over the next seven years. The plan to have state buildings more energy efficient by 2020 will be aided by $450 million in low-cost financing from the New York Power Authority. Most projects will require no capital spending upfront, with agencies expected to repay loans through energy savings.

2. Last Chance for Commercial Buildings Deduction - The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created the Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction (CBTD) to encourage owner investment in energy-efficient building systems. The CBTD establishes a special tax deduction rewarding investment in energy-efficient interior lighting, HVAC/hot water systems and building envelope, subject to a cap of up to $1.80/sq.ft. This industry incentive is set to expire on December 31 of 2013.

3. Online Registration Officially Opens for LEDucation 7 - The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY) will host LEDucation 7, its annual educational event and expo in New York City on Wednesday, March 20th, 2013.  LEDucation 7 will take place from 10:00 am – 8:00 pm at the Hotel Pennsylvania – Penn Plaza Pavilion and will feature a distinct line up of informational educational sessions, as well as a newly expanded expo floor. LEDucation is the largest single day exhibition and educational event dedicated solely to the ever evolving LED market and technology. Admission is complimentary for DLF and IES members; advance registration is $20 with online-registration now officially open at

4. LIGHTFAIR International 2013 Registration is Now Open - Register now for this must-attend annual industry event and also purchase courses, seminars, workshops and Networking/Special Event tickets. Register today with this quick and easy pre-populated link:

5. Caliper 2012 Year in Review - The US DOE has released a year-in-review of its Caliper program, and suggests that LED products are becoming more efficient, less costly, and producing more light than ever before. In 2012, Caliper reports focused on a single product type, rather than using a number of different lamps and luminaires in a single summary report. By doing this Caliper could provide more in-depth analysis of the performance baseline of conventional products and the expectations for LED products.

6. UGA Researchers Invent New Material for Warm-White LEDs - University of Georgia scientists have fabricated what is thought to be the world's first LED that emits warm white light using a single light emitting material, or phosphor, with a single emitting center for illumination. The material is described in detail in the current edition of the Nature Publishing Group journal "Light: Science and Applications."  

7. New York Brightens Central Park With LED Installation - The New York City Department of Transportation recently completed the installation of nearly 1,600 LED luminaires that light walkways and grassy areas in Central Park. NYC DOT officials estimate the new LED lighting will reduce energy usage by 62 percent and deliver annual maintenance savings of nearly $30,000 compared to metal halide lighting. The NYC DOT initiated the project in collaboration with the U.S. DOE GATEWAY demonstration program to improve the park environment for local citizens and visitors and to lower energy and maintenance expenses for the city. 12/’12 Electrical Contractor

8. TVA's EnergyRight Solutions for Business - Under the EnergyRight program, qualifying businesses agree to energy efficiency measures and receive payments to help offset their investments. Generally, a business replaces old equipment with equipment approved by TVA and receives a check. Two types of financial assistance, Standard Rebates and Custom Incentives, are available to help reduce your project costs and accelerate your payback. These rebates and incentives are offered through participating local power companies in partnership with TVA. All business customers are eligible for such assistance if they are served by a participating distributor of TVA power.

9. Energy Secretary Chu Said to Plan Exit from Obama's Cabinet - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu will leave his Cabinet post according to two people familiar with the matter. Chu’s departure will be announced as soon as next week, according to one of the people. The exit will leave the Obama administration with vacancies at the top of the three departments that oversee energy and environmental policy. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Lisa Jackson, who headed the EPA, have announced their intention to leave the administration. 1/18 Bloomberg

10. New LED Street Lights Fail in the Rain – The City of San Antonio and CPS Energy are spending more than $14 million to replace street lights with energy saving LED fixtures. Now the News 4 WOAI Trouble Shooters have uncovered that all 25,000 of the fixtures had to be sent back to the manufacturer because of a glaring defect. And the cause? Rain… getting into the fixtures and shorting them out.  Close to 2,000 of the street lights are already up in a few areas around the city, but installations came to a halt a few weeks ago when some of the new fixtures began to fail. CPS Energy says it evaluated LED fixtures made by eight different manufacturers before selecting the GreenStar/Toshiba lights. The utility says the defect is not a big deal, even though all installed fixtures had to be taken down, and all 25,000 street lights had to be returned to the manufacturer.

11. The LED Inevitability - With the growing popularity of LEDs in different applications, manufacturers are offering more choices, leaving end-users with a dizzying selection of the latest and greatest technology, and they often pass off the specifying to electrical contractors (ECs) who are becoming more experienced with and knowledgeable about LEDs. LED technology use typically at least 75 percent less energy than incandescent lighting, last 2-5 times longer than fluorescents, and qualify for the sought-after Energy Star rating.

12. LED Lighting CAGR to Reach 31% in 2010-2020 - According to Japan-based Toshiba Lightech, Japan's LED lighting market is expected to account for around 40% of the global LED lighting market from 2012-2013 with penetration rate expected to exceed the global penetration rate. In addition, Toshiba Lightech estimates the CAGR of the global LED lighting market from 2010-2020 to reach 31% due to rapid decreases in price and market growth in Europe, the US and China.

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