1. DOE Announces Funding Opportunity for
Solid-State Lighting R&D - The
U.S. DOE announced a solid-state lighting (SSL) R&D funding opportunity on
December 6, 2013. Under this funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0000973, “Solid-State
Lighting Advanced Technologies R&D – 2014”), a total of up to $10 million in funding is
directed toward all three existing DOE SSL R&D program areas: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/ssl/foa_12-2013.html
- Core Technology Research
- Product Development
- U.S. Manufacturing
DOE will select up to 10 projects.
Concept papers are due by January 8, 2014, and applications are due by February
24, 2014. For more information, visit https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/.
2. DOE Publishes CALiPER Snapshot Report on LED
A Lamps - The U.S. Department of Energy's CALiPER program has released
a Snapshot Report on LED A lamps, which utilizes the LED Lighting Facts®
program's extensive product database to help industry stakeholders understand
the current state and trajectory of the market for that class of products. The mean efficacy of all A lamps
listed by LED Lighting Facts has steadily increased, and is now at 69 lm/W.
Full report at:

4. Opportunities for the LED Luminaire Supply
Chain 2012-2018 - LEDs
are being increasingly used across a wide range of applications including
portable electronics, TV backlighting, solid state lighting and also in
automotive. This is an evolving market
as LED efficacy continues to improve and the packaging and assembly market has
to adapt accordingly. The report reviews the developments driving the future
requirements for thermal interface and other relevant materials in the assembly
and packaging supply chain and analyses the cost performance benefits of the
various packaging technologies to determine the potential opportunities for the
supply chain over the next five years. For
more information click on: http://www.researchandmarkets.com/publication/mejqz14/opportunities_for_the_led_luminaire_supply_ch
USA High Efficiency Lighting Market Worth
$11.7B by 2017 - The
US market for high efficiency lighting continues to adjust to the provisions of
the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, which is leading to a
phase-out of incandescent lamps and supporting demand for products such as LEDs
and CFLs. Technological innovations that are improving the performance of LEDs
and many types of high efficiency lamps are also supporting demand. The market
for energy efficient linear fluorescent lamps will also register strong growth,
supported by heightened penetration of T5 and T8 lamps, in place of less efficient
T12 products. http://www.ciol.com/ciol/news/202406/us-efficiency-lighting-market-worth-usd117-bn-2017-report
ENERGY STAR Lighting Road Mapping
Meeting January 30, 2014 The U.S. EPA and NEMA welcome lighting
stakeholders to a rescheduled initial road mapping discussion on January 30,
2014 from 1:00 – 5:00PM EST at NEMA headquarters in Rosslyn, VA. This
meeting is expected to be the first in a series intended to facilitate
engagement on ENERGY STAR lighting topics. A draft agenda is attached, and RSVP
via email by December 30, 2013 to Alex Boesenberg at Alex.Boesenberg@nema.org
7. Duke Energy Offers Holiday
Lighting Calculator, Information to Help Save Energy and Money - Customers can estimate their holiday lighting
costs using a calculator on Duke Energy's website: www.duke-energy.com/lightscalculator
12/02 PRNewswire
8. Utility Donating Light Bulbs to WVA Pantries - West Virginia food pantries are getting a
non-edible donation from Appalachian Power. The Huntington Area Food Bank will receive 44,000 energy-saving compact
fluorescent light bulbs from the utility Wednesday. The bulbs will be
distributed in packages of four to 11,000 West Virginia families through
multiple food pantries. The partnership is part of the utility's GridSMART
energy efficiency initiative, which helps inform people on ways to manage
energy use, save money and protect the environment. 12/03 AP
9. FPL
Installs More Than 150 State-Of-The-Art Streetlights to Help Brighten West Palm
Beach - Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) completed its
first commercial energy-efficient streetlight installation project. Since
October, FPL has installed 166 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights in the
City of West Palm Beach's Coleman Park neighborhood, located just north of
downtown. Through 2014, the city plans to convert approximately 1,100
additional streetlights to LED technology in various neighborhoods. 12/02
10. Obstruction Lighting - Global Strategic
Business Report 2013 - Global
market for obstruction lighting is expected to remain buoyant supported by the
growing need for aircraft warning lights against a backdrop of rise in
construction of tall structures such as skyscrapers, telecom towers,
refineries, and growing number of wind turbines and wind farms across the
world. The market also stands to gain from the replacement of traditional
incandescent fixtures with energy efficient LED obstruction lights that consume
lesser energy and are easy to install. Advanced fixtures featuring built-in
power module, GPS Synchronizer and controller are also gaining prominence in
the market. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period
2010 through 2018. More information at:
11. Lighting Research Center Releases Report on
Plasma Lighting - Plasma
lighting systems, also known as electrodeless high-intensity discharge (HID),
light-emitting plasma (LEP), high-efficiency plasma (HEP), or advanced plasma
lighting (APL) are emerging in the marketplace primarily for high-bay and
outdoor lighting applications. This National Lighting Product Information
Program (NLPIP) report, Lighting Answers: Plasma Lighting Systems,
helps lighting specifiers to understand plasma lighting systems and their
performance characteristics, including light output, system efficacy, color
characteristics, lumen maintenance, and rated life. This report also provides
information about operating orientation, dimming, warm-up, and restrike times,
electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC), and ultraviolet (UV)
radiation. http://www.lrc.rpi.edu/nlpip/publicationDetails.asp?id=936&type=2
ASHRAE/IES Publish 2013 Energy Standard 90.1-2013 - Energy
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, incorporates 110
addenda, reflecting changes made through the public review process. Appendix F
gives brief descriptions and publication dates of the addenda to 90.1-2010
reflected in this new edition. The most significant lighting changes include
improvements to daylighting and daylighting controls, space-by-space lighting
power density limits, thresholds for toplighting and revised controls
requirements and format. Shop at IES for best prices: http://www.ies.org/store/product/energy-standard-for-buildings-brexcept-lowrise-residential-building-1307.cfm
13. NEMA
BL 3-2013 Dimming
Ballast Energy Performance
- Provides
a methodology for applying existing test methods for program start ballasts to
fluorescent dimming ballasts and provides a way to calculate BLE for
fluorescent dimming ballasts. This standard offers BLE limits for ballasts of
common four-foot bipin lamps, such as T8 and T5 lamps, that are not covered by
the most recent Federal Rulemaking. http://www.nema.org/Standards/Pages/Dimming-Ballast-Energy-Performance.aspx

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