You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, October 18, 2010

News Updates for the Week of October 18

1. Rebate Programs Continue to Grow - 2010 has been an incredibly good year for businesses looking to take advantage of valuable rebates for installing efficient lighting systems. At the end of 2009, 60% of the US was covered by a lighting rebate or incentive. Now, rebates for energy efficient lighting in non-residential applications cover over 77% of the US; a 30% increase!

2. ACEEE 2010 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard - California retained its #1 ranking for the fourth year in a row, outpacing all other states in its level of investment in energy efficiency across all sectors of its economy. The balance of the top 10 states: Massachusetts (#2, holding steady) ; Oregon (#3, up from #4); New York (#4, up from #5); Vermont (#5, up from #6); Washington (#6, up from #7); Rhode Island (#7, up from #9); Connecticut (tied for #8, down from #3); Minnesota (tied for #8, holding steady); and Maine (#10, holding steady). The four most-improved states - Utah (tied for #12, up 11 spots from 2009), Arizona (#18, up 11 spots), New Mexico (#22, up eight spots), and Alaska (#37, up eight spots). In general, the Southwest region demonstrated considerable progress from 2009 to 2010. The full report is available online at

3. CFL Mercury Content to Decline - Member companies of NEMA have agreed to cap mercury at 4 mg per bulb for those bulbs using 25 watts or less, and 5 mg per bulb for those of higher wattages. This is a 1-mg drop from the previous limit. 10/12 Philadelphia Inquirer

4. Release of ENERGY STAR Luminaires Draft 2 Version 1.0 - See the memo from the U.S. EPA announcing the release of Draft 2 Version 1.0 of the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Luminaires. This specification, is intended long term to replace the existing Residential Light Fixtures (V4.2) and Solid State Lighting Luminaires (V1.1) specifications. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments on this draft to EPA no later than Friday, October 29, 2010. Comments should be submitted to, with “ENERGY STAR Luminaires Draft 2 Comments” in the subject line.

5. 2010 DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop Report Posted -
The DOE has published the summary report from the fifth annual DOE Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Market Introduction Workshop, held July 21–22 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A PDF copy of the report may be downloaded from the DOE SSL Web site at

6. WECC Distributed Lighting Control System Saves 75% or More in Energy Costs - The DLCS provides for dimming, dynamic scheduling, daylight harvesting, lumen maintenance, bulb/ballast fault detection, and on-site or remote aggregate control, and meets Title 24 instant-demand response requirements. DLCS technology can provide virtual lamp control for T5, T8, CFL, LED, HID and inductive lamps with on-site or remote access--wired or wireless.

7. Construction Industry Unemployment at Highest September Rate Ever Recorded - The number of people working in construction is approaching a 14-year low now that the industry lost 21,000 jobs in September, while construction unemployment is at a September high of 17.2% percent, according to an analysis of federal employment figures released today by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). The construction industry continues to suffer from declining investments in construction and broad uncertainty about the future of many federal infrastructure programs and tax rates, association officials note. 10/15 EC&M

8. California Governor Announces Launch of Green Jobs Website -
The Clean Energy Jobs website can be found at It aims to provide resources to Californians that are geared towards promoting jobs related to recycling, clean transportation, renewable energy and other green opportunities. Currently, the site consists of 48 programs which offer training to Californians in these lucrative fields. The programs and training are offered through organizations like community colleges, local workforce investment boards and private industry groups.

9. Acuity Brands Unveils New Intelligent Lighting and Controls Training Center At Its Sensor Switch Facility - Located in Wallingford, CT, this facility is designed to provide hands-on training for Sensor Switch customers and business partners and to showcase the newest Acuity Brands intelligent LED lighting and lighting controls solutions.

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