You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, October 4, 2010

Something to Think About...

Managers as Coaches Training Session - Sales management skills are’s managers must be more than a boss, they must be a coach.

Coaches inspire others to work harder, aim higher, compete successfully, and enjoy the process. As a sales coach, you are responsible for winning. How do you accomplish that when your players all have different talents and skill levels, strengths and weaknesses, separate personal lives that affect their ability to perform at work? Individuals make up the team and the team must be productive if you want to win.

The greatest coaches believe in themselves and have that formula for success:
• Select, evaluate and hire talent
• Position them for maximum effectiveness
• Create a team environment for positive results
• Train them to excel and continue the learning process
• Get out of their way...empower them to do their job.

One thing is universal...everyone wants to play on a winning team. Then why is coaching so difficult? The simple answer is that people are different...we live in a diverse environment. Sales professionals are no different (sorry for the play on words). They learn differently, they respond differently, they work differently; they need to be treated differently. They need to be coached / managed differently.

Trainers, teachers, coaches, branch managers, sales managers need to understand the different ways we all learn and, more importantly, to be sure to incorporate those techniques into their coaching / managing activities.

This high impact one-day training session is for branch managers and sales managers. This special workshop session is geared, when all is said and done, on improving productivity and on how each branch can differentiate themselves from their competitors and how they can win in a highly competitive marketplace.For more information, contact Bill Attardi at

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