You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, November 8, 2010

News Updates for the Week of November 8

1. U.S. Army Steps Up Requirements for Greening Building, Lighting - Starting in fiscal year 2013, designs for new construction and major renovations are to incorporate the sustainable design and development principles contained in the ASHRAE Standard 189.1. The standard details strategies for siting, cool roofs, solar water heating, advanced metering, storm water management and energy and water efficiency that reduce the environmental impacts of buildings. A new lighting policy, also announced last week, is effectively immediately. As new lighting is installed or existing lights need to be replaced, light bulbs purchased for Army facilities are to meet the energy efficiency standards set by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. 11/03 Reuters

2. Ameresco Quantum Partners with Washington School Districts for Energy Saving Improvements - Ameresco Quantum, Inc. has partnered with 21 school districts and 8 community and technical colleges throughout Washington state to help them obtain $21 million in grants for energy conservation project costs valued at over $46 million. The state funding, which was part of the 2010 Jobs Act for Public K-12 and Higher Education, is for energy and operational efficiency projects that will create jobs and reduce costs. 11/ 01 BUSINESS WIRE

3. PECO Customers Save $68 Million in Energy Costs with PECO Smart Ideas - Since its launch in October 2009, PECO customers have saved more than $68 million dollars with PECO Smart Ideas, the company's suite of energy efficiency programs. In just about one year customers are estimated to have reduced their energy use by one percent, or 419 gigawatt hours (GWh). The programs are part of the company's support of Pennsylvania's energy efficiency and demand response targets under Act 129 which requires all state electric utilities to develop programs to help customers reduce energy use by 1 percent by May 31, 2011 and 3 percent by May 31, 2013.

4. Madison, WI Announces $2.4 Million In Energy Grants - The city of Madison on Friday announced $2.4 million in federal energy efficiency grants to help small business and provide green job training. The Urban League's job training program will also provide grant and loan funding for 15 businesses to improve energy efficiency and launch a residential home weatherization pilot program in coming months. 10/29 The Wisconsin State Journal

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