You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, January 31, 2011

Something to Think About...

Which LED Products Should Be Selected? By Stan Walerczyk, CLEP, LC, Lighting Wizards

As you are probably already aware, there is a big range of excellent to very bad LED, which are also called solid state lighting (SSL), products. Some manufacturers are well known with proven track records and deep pockets, which may be necessary to handle potential large warranty issues. Other manufacturers may be relatively unknown, small, and under-funded, reselling imported products, and only in business for a year or two, so how good would their warranties be?

For those of you that have been in lighting long enough, you can remember that numerous electronic ballast manufacturers went out of business in the late 80s and early 90s, because they could not handle taking care of warranties. I have done a lot of research on SSL over the last three years, keeping track of performance and pricing improvements and evaluating how the best SSL products compare with high performance traditional products. I am also on the DOE CALiPER Guidance Committee.

With this expertise, I can usually provide very useful information at a very reasonable cost. My consulting fee can be a drop in the bucket compared to the problems from installing wrong products from wrong manufacturers.

If you are considering specifying or purchasing a specific SSL product, or if you want to know which SSL products or high performance incumbent technology products are the most cost effective solutions for specific applications, please call or email: 925-944-9481; One freebie is avoid LED T8s…

On a related note, if you come to Lightfair this May, please attend my ‘How Do LEDs Compare With High Performance Fluorescent, Induction, Halogen, Plasma & HID’ workshop.

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