You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, May 16, 2011


Attardi Marketing is offering a behavior changing training session for sales professionals at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ:


Sales Pro Solution Selling

An important asset of any company, especially one involved in the distribution of products and services, is its sales force and its ability to solve problems in today’s increasingly diverse and global workplace. The current business environment is changing the makeup of both the workplace and, most certainly, your customer base.

This one-day advanced sales training workshop focuses on assessing the individual strengths and weaknesses we all have and the sales skills necessary to recognize and to solve those nagging problems that are impediments to successful sales closure.

Using a highly successful self-assessment instrument (DISC Model) online, the workshop provides the attendees an understanding of different behavioral styles essential for managing and selling more effectively in a diverse environment. In addition, the objective of the workshop is to develop the necessary sales skills to successfully upsell into a rapidly changing electrical industry with emphasis on the new energy efficient technologies and process selling. To convince today's customers to upgrade to the more technologically advanced products because of bottom line improvement and productivity gains that will be realized. The workshop engages and challenges participants through self-assessments, brief lecturettes, questionnaires, customized case studies and interactive group exercises.

Before the session, all participants will be asked to complete an online assessment:

The Success Insights® DISC Profile Behavioral Assessment – an analysis of each individual’s behavioral style is used to increase your self-awareness and abilities to develop adaptive styles to meet the demands of your work and customer environments. Here’s what you get:

- You get to take a 15 minute online assessment that will reveal your personal behavioral style
- Your Personal Success Insights® DISC Profile Behavioral report
- Expert analysis
- Complete binder to continue the learning process on your own
- Continental breakfast and break refreshments and lunch
- Professional Adjunct Professors: Bill Attardi and Mike Protono

Your cost: $350.00 per attendee. The complete one-day agenda and registration available at:
…….or send me an email at for a group rate.

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