You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you will have to win their hearts to have them work with you. William J.H. Boetcker

Monday, January 27, 2014

Case Studies/Whitepapers/Research

1.      Halogen Bulbs - Global Strategic Business Report - Halogen bulbs, considered to be the efficient version of energy-inefficient traditional incandescent bulbs witnessed impressive growth over the last decade, driven primarily by the replacement opportunities offered as a result of phasing out of incandescents. Halogen bulbs that offered similar light quality as incandescent bulbs were purchased extensively as replacements for incandescents during the 2010-2012 period, negating the CFL and LED dominance predictions. However, the share of halogen bulbs in the global lighting market is expected to shrink over the next few years. The report profiles 84 companies including many key and niche players. For more information click on: 

2.      DOE’s Keeping Manufacturing in the United States - The U.S. solid-state lighting (SSL) industry sits on the cusp of major technology advances that will revo­lutionize the industry and greatly accelerate energy efficiency here and around the world. In 2007, lighting manufacturers employed almost 60,000 people nationwide and shipped products valued at $13.5 billion. Solid-state lighting is an exciting new technology that has tremendous economic upsides for the lighting industry. However, as in the semi-conductor and information technology sectors before, U.S. solid-state lighting companies are faced with economic factors that have led to the globalization of those industries, including lost jobs, a dispersal of the technology infrastructure largely built in this country, and ultimately a U.S. trade deficit. Reversing the trend toward outsourcing is the responsibility of the lighting industry and government working together to establish the foundation for a strong U.S.-based industry. The United States gov­ernment and industry must act quickly to bolster the advances that have already been made through the growth of small business in this field.

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