1. In-depth
Introduction to Electricity Markets - Two-day
Professional Short Course, March 18-19, 2014, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey. Instructor Frank
Felder PhD ffelder@ejb.rutgers.edu or 848-932-2750 is an expert on the economics
and reliability of restructured electric power systems. This in-depth
introductory course is designed for those with a limited knowledge of the
electric power system and restructured electricity markets. It provides an overview of the industry,
focusing on the linkages among power system engineering, markets, regulatory
policy, and business strategies. Specific examples and actual market data are
used to illustrate basic principles and ideas. Extensive and comprehensive
course notes are provided to each attendee. Continental breakfast and lunch
included. Cost: $600.00; Government and Non-Profit
Organizations: $300.00 https://ce-catalog.rutgers.edu/courseDisplay.cfm?schID=53847
2. Earn
your Technical Certificate - Study online at
your own pace to earn your certificate as an Electronics, Electromechanical,
PLC or Robotics Technician. Fully accredited programs enrich skills in design,
programming, installation, operation and troubleshooting of industrial
electronics, robotics and PLC equipment. Each program include simulation software
that converts your computer into a fully functioning industrial robot, PLC or
electronics lab.
3. AEE Seminars registrar@aeecenter.org - Top quality professional training online while earning the CEU / PDH
credits by Association of Energy Engineers:
Instructed by Fredric S. Goldner,
Instructed by Stan Walerczyk,
L.C., C.L.E.P.
A 6-Hour Distance Learning Seminar
4-Hour Distance Learning Seminar
Earns 0.6 CEU / 6 PDH
Earns 0.4 CEU / 4 PDH
Presented in three 2-hour live
online sessions
Presented in two 2-hour live
online sessions
New Program Starts March 3
New Program Starts March 3
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